Frequently Asked Questions

(and my answers to them)

Q: Is Sorn really your first name?
A: Yes.

Q: Is Skald really your last name?
A: Yes.

Q: Really?
A: Really.

Q: What's Sornsgarð?
A: It's a word coined by Beliefnet member Allsherjargoði. I use it to refer to my "ideal world," "the world according to Sorn," or "Sorn's current schemata/paradigm/worldview/whatever appropriate buzzword you like."

Q: Why do you hate me (or my favorite religion, my favorite politician, my favorite ice cream flavor, etc.)?
A: Chances are, I don't. As of right now, I can't think of a single person I hate. In Sornsgarð, it's entirely possible to disagree with something without hating it, and it's also possible to dislike something with a degree of intensity far less than what I consider hatred. About the only things I can think of that I hate are aspects of extremely abstract concepts like ignorance, mortality, fear, pain, and the like. That and cream of spinach soup. ;)


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